Saturday, October 22, 2022


A new casino is opening in Las Vegas and Cher is the headline act. In the barely-finished auditorium, the entertainment director has lined up over 20 Cher impersonators, all dressed in different costumes from Cher's long music and acting career.

"OK," says the director, "When the curtain goes UP, I want you all to walk forward AS ONE, keeping in mind that the *real* Cher will be walking in front of you & starting her act with 'If I Could Turn Back Time'. Then you simply peel off to the sides and you're done. And ACTION!"

And OF COURSE the Cher impersonator who's dressed in nothing but duct tape and fishnets takes that as their cue to be a bit special, so they add a bit of a strut to their walk & the director is immediately incensed. "CUT! Back to positions!! SOMEONE has to learn to WALK!"

They start again, only THIS time the director calls "CUT!" and has a MASSIVE rant at the 'Moonstruck' version of Cher, who's been holding her arms up in the air and raising one leg FAR too high with EVERY step in an attempt to emulate the famous movie poster.

They start AGAIN.

THIS time, it's the 'hippy' version of Cher that catches his eye.

"CUT!!!!! Listen, you are DRESSED as a hippy, we can all SEE you're a hippy, you do NOT need to throw peace signs all over the place, just WALK NORMALLY!!"

Everyone goes back to their positions. They start AGAIN.

THIS time, the impersonator dressed in the black sequined number Cher wore to the 1988 Academy Awards brings a replica Oscar out of nowhere and holds it aloft victoriously. The director is BESIDE himself, marches up on stage, snatches the statuette, and throws it against a wall.

The statuette is ceramic and smashes into a million pieces and some of the Cher impersonators start crying. The director LOSES it.

"NO!" he screams, "You have to CHER, and CHER ALIKE!" #lamejoke

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