Sunday, May 3, 2015

One day, three children on a play date were arguing about who had the best toys, particularly the animatronic ones. Melissa said her new Baby Minnie Mouse Touch N Crawl was the best because it was the cutest. Blake said he had gotten a Tickle Me Elmo for Christmas a couple of years ago and it was the best because it always made everyone laugh. Sloane had his dad's old Teddy Ruxpin and said it was the best because it could tell such great stories. 

They couldn't decide how to tell which was the best, so they decided to have a contest. They talked about different things, but eventually Blake and Melissa ganged up on Sloane and voted that the best would be the one that could win a race from one side of a table to the other. Blake had seen his Elmo fall over on the floor and vibrate all over the place so he knew he could win. Melissa's toy was designed to crawl across the floor and could easily beat the other two. Sloane was strangely quiet about it and acquiesced to the contest, looking dejected. They agreed the next time they got together they would let the race decide who had the best toys.

The following week they got together at Melissa's house in her playroom. They cleared the table of her tea set and got their toys ready. Blake said, "On your mark, get set, GO!" and immediately began tickling his Elmo. Elmo began talking and laughing, bending forward and falling backwards, jerking and twitching across the table. 

Melissa touched Minnie on the back and she began crawling across the table, paused, crawled some more, paused and then repeated the action. It looked like Minnie was gaining rapidly on Elmo.

Sloane put Teddy Ruxpin on the table and laid him flat on his stomach. He unzipped two zippers running down each side of the bear's back and out popped two small jet engines. He flipped Teddy's tail up and both roared to life. In a matter of seconds the bear shot across the table, continuing his flight until he crashed into the wall across the room! Sloane ran over and flipped the tail back down again to kill the engines.

Melissa and Blake were dumbfounded. "How did he do that?" Blake demanded.

Sloane just smiled and said, "You know my dad builds rockets for NASA. When he was a teenager he modified all of his old toys and I got most of them from him. I told you my Teddy Ruxpin was the best toy!"

Melissa nodded her head. "Okay, we all know who has the best toy because Sloane's Teddy wins the race."

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