Thursday, April 13, 2023


The Godfather was having a conversation with his wife about the state of his empire.

"Honey," he said. "The people just don't fear me like they used to. Tributes are down, protection money is down. The other gangs aren't giving us our respect. Heck, it's taken us two weeks to get the repairs started on our kitchen, and even NOW, the carpenter is making a ton of noise during our dinner. You've prepared such a nice meal."

"Vito", she said gingerly. "Of course the people don't fear you, you haven't given them a REASON to fear you in a long while. You've gone soft, dear."

Anger flashed through his eyes.

"Perhaps", he said, scratching his throat. "Maybe it's time to remind them of who I am."

At this he made a slashing motion with his finger.

One week later, the Godfather and his wife were at dinner, again talking about the state of his empire.

"Tributes are back up. Protection money is back up", he said gleefully. "You show the strength, you show the muscle, and the people remember just how much you control the city."

"I love that, honey!" she said. "Just like the man I married. And you even got the repairs to stop during dinner so we can have some peace and quiet."

Don Vito smiled proudly, slashing at his throat. "That's because I had to whack the carpenter," he said.

"He saw too much." #lamejoke

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